Wednesday, February 09, 2011

With My Deepest Appreciations

It would take too long and take up too much bandwidth to reply to each and every one of you who has reached out to me these past few days about my mom, so this rather impersonal post will have to suffice.

Her loss, while not unexpected nor unwelcome (and those of you who know me at all know this has been a relationship that's been stuck in my craw for a while), is still radioactive: it is something that affects us all in the family and circle of friends and infiltrates and penetrates into corners we can never anticipate.

Cleaning out an apartment, as a trivial example.

Your support and friendship has always lifted my spirits when things looked difficult, and once more, you friends have come through for me. I only hope that I have been as supportive and compassionate when you've needed me (and if I haven't, I'm sure I'll here about it now! :-) )

Again, on behalf of my family, me, and ThumbPer, thank you.